


Your chin may appear to be too small or set too far back when compared to the rest of your face, or your chin line may be obscured by fat layers that have accumulated. If you have been insecure about a weak chin or undefined jawline, a facial implant may be the solution to help you keep your chin up!


隆下巴手术 这是一个真正的变革过程吗. It will create customized contour, definition, 和 symmetry for your face.


  • 矫正下巴无力
  • 减少双下巴的出现
  • 改善面部平衡和比例
  • 加强下颌的轮廓
  • 让你的脸看起来更苗条
  • 逆转随着年龄增长而产生的下巴紧咬的影响

下巴 implants have a lot of benefits when it comes to creating an objectively balanced facial structure. More importantly, chin implants have helped countless people find confidence within themselves.


下巴 augmentation involves placing a small facial implant beneath your muscle to add more volume to the chin. This requires only one small incision placed under the chin, 然后植入物被缝合在皮肤下. These implants are safe for the body 和 are specially formed to fit your individual anatomy.


下巴手术 is a perfect solution if you would like a more balanced facial silhouette. If you want to reduce the appearance of a double chin, 在脆弱的下巴上增加体积, 和/或创造整体的面部和谐, then a chin implant can permanently solve those concerns. You’re a good c和idate if you are in good health 和 have finished facial bone development.

It is important to remember that achieving 100% symmetry in the human face is not possible. Your surgeon will describe the outcome that you can expect to see after the surgery, 和 maintaining realistic expectations for your results is essential.


隆胸手术的总费用在7美元之间,000-$8,000美元,包括一切, 包括术后产品. This cost f或者是下巴增大术 reflects the expertise behind developing your unique surgical plan, 在手术室度过的时间, 以及定制植入物的创建. 在你最初的咨询之后, your surgical team will provide you with an exact quote 和 review financing options.


隆胸是安全的, 快速, 和 straightforward surgery with minimal post-op pain 和 recovery time. 一个看似很小的变化, 就像下巴植入物, can completely transform the face by balancing proportions 和 even making your face appear slimmer. 下巴 implants have an 86% Worth-It rating according to RealSelf.com.

For those who were on the fence about the results of their surgery, it was due to scarring or incorrect implant sizing/placement. 然而,这些问题很容易通过 一丝不苟的委员会认证面部整形外科医生 谁有丰富的面部植入经验.



下巴手术, 或者是下巴增大术, has a relatively 快速 recovery period compared to other facial surgeries. You will likely be on pain medications for a few days after surgery, but the pain is minimal. You will see the most bruising 和 swelling on days 3-4. 这将在几周后完全消失.

在最初的几个星期里, you will have activity restrictions that will periodically be lifted throughout recovery. You will also wear a head garment continuously for the first 7 days after your surgery 和 then just at night for 1 week after that.


隆胸手术在外科中心进行, 你将被全身麻醉. Your surgeon will insert the implant under the skin 和 muscle of the chin 和 suture it. 植入物是完全固定的,所以不会移动. It is also customized to fit your bone structure to create a natural look.

Another way of augmenting the chin is through a procedure known as a “sliding genioplasty.” This alternative uses the patient’s own jawbone to make the correction so that an implant is not needed. This method is not as common as the use of an implant. You 和 your surgeon will work together to develop the right surgical route for you. We currently do not offer this method of chin augmentation surgery. 


The main difference between chin filler 和 chin surgery is the longevity of results. 下巴 filler will last between 8-12 months depending on the product 和 your natural metabolism rate. On the other h和, chin surgery uses an implant to achieve a permanently defined structure. 下巴填充物是一个很好的起点 for patients to try out how much volume they would like in the area 和 to witness the impact that an augmented chin can have on overall facial harmony.


这个过程通常与 下巴吸脂手术, or submental liposuction, for a more transformative experience. The liposuction removes fat in the double-chin area, while the implant adds additional structure. The two together will give you the appearance of a thinner, more contoured face while creating a more defined jawline.

来认识一下你的面部整形医生. Sieffert

Dr. 米歇尔Sieffert is known for her meticulous techniques, attention to detail, 和 compassionate bedside manner. She will truly listen to you 和 your goals to develop the right plan for you. 她擅长于 面部整形手术. She underst和s that the face is often the most integral part of a person’s confidence. Dr. Sieffert has perfected her surgical techniques to give you natural 和 beautiful results.


我们邀请您在 614-442-7610 安排你的私人会诊. 杰弗里·唐纳森博士. 米歇尔Sieffert. 阅读更多 Dr. 唐纳森 和 Dr. Sieffert的 整形外科专业.
